Shree Krishna Nepali

श्री कृष्ण नेपाली

Name: Shree Krishna Nepali
DOB: 9th June 1988
Address: Godawari Municipality- 13, Jharuwarashi, Lalitpur, Nepal
Awards: Second position in Boys group in Secondary Level “National Open Story Writing Competition 2007"
Published story:

 सुगाको सन्देश – बालकथाको फूलबारी, छात्र समूह, भाग १, २०६४

खुसी... – सुनगाभा साहित्यिक पत्रिका, २५ औं रजत अङ्क २०८०

Shree Krishna Nepali, born in Lalitpur Nepal has graduation degree in literature and has written many poems, child story, short story and adult fiction. He has received award in child story. Shree is a story teller with a power to aware the youths and to change people’s perspectives. He started writing since his school life in his native language and after graduation; he started to write story and fiction in English as well.

Books by Shree Krishna Nepali